Introducing Garcinia Vita UK for those who are on a diet or are afraid to gain a few extra pounds. 1. Ricotta Cheese It is made from low-fat whey, and not from milk, therefore it contains a huge amount of albumin proteins (up to 13 grams). In this case, Garcinia Vita UK fat content is one of Garcinia Vita UK lowest: from 24 to 8%, depending on Garcinia Vita UK type. Fresh Ricotta cheese, which has Garcinia Vita UK consistency of soft pasta, is great for making low-calorie whipped fruit desserts and sandwiches. No wonder Garcinia Vita UK slender Italians eat it for breakfast. One slice contains only 50 calories (in 100 grams – a maximum of 174 kcal), but despite this, it is very nutritious and allows you to quickly get enough. This variety of curd cheese is a defender of Garcinia Vita UK liver and an assistant to immunity. Just be careful with smoked and seasoned Ricotta species: they have too much salt. 2. Camembert cheese (with mold) This is a special variety, in Garcinia Vita UK manufacture of which several types of special fungus are used at once. For its growth, Garcinia Vita UK fungus takes lactose from milk, almost completely freeing Garcinia Vita UK finished product from it. Therefore, Camembert, despite its considerable calorie content (about 300 kcal) is recommended for thin women suffering from intolerance to dairy products due to lactase deficiency. Garcinia Vita UK unique manufacturing technology of this product from raw milk, which has not undergone any heat treatment, preserves in it Garcinia Vita UK maximum of amino acids and fat-soluble vitamins that are beneficial for Garcinia Vita UK human body. Therefore, it really helps to keep bones strong, teeth and muscles strong, nerves steel, and Garcinia Vita UK brain clear. Garcinia Vita UK bluish-gray mold on Garcinia Vita UK surface of Garcinia Vita UK Camembert often raises doubts about its safety. We hasten to reassure: Garcinia Vita UK vital products of this fungus, which are saturated with cheese, are harmless. And he himself quickly dies in Garcinia Vita UK hydrochloric acid of Garcinia Vita UK stomach, without affecting Garcinia Vita UK intestines. But this cheese, indeed, is rare, but it can become a source of infection with listeriosis – a bacterial infection transmitted through raw milk.

Garcinia Vita UK Therefore, it is not recommended to include children and people with severe immunodeficiency in Garcinia Vita UK menu, including pregnant women at all times. Despite Garcinia Vita UK enormous benefits, Camembert, Garcinia Vita UK main raw material for Garcinia Vita UK production of which is fatty milk, it is better not to consume those who are already overweight. 3. Mozzarella One of Garcinia Vita UK most delicate and easily digestible cheeses. Garcinia Vita UK highlight of its preparation is rennet, that is, partial cleavage of raw materials with Garcinia Vita UK help of digestive enzymes secreted from Garcinia Vita UK stomach of calves. Thanks to this special technology, all Garcinia Vita UK beneficial trace elements, proteins and vitamins are stored and immediately ready for assimilation in Mozzarella. This cheese almost never causes digestive upsets, and you can eat it at any age. True, provided that you do not have lactase deficiency. Garcinia Vita UK calorie content of 100 grams of Mozzarella can reach up to 350 kcal, depending on Garcinia Vita UK fat content. Mozzarella varieties from skim milk contain an average of 160 calories. In any case, a tiny portion of this cheese is enough to make vegetable salads with spicy herbs, light sandwiches, casseroles unique. 4. Tofu This is an absolutely unique product, made not from animals, but from plant materials – soy milk. It is curdled with calcium-containing additives that make tofu just perfect in composition. Judge for yourself: Garcinia Vita UK maximum low-allergenic vegetable protein, with a minimum of fat (up to 5%) in combination with a whole set of vitamins and minerals. At Garcinia Vita UK same time, not only is cholesterol completely absent, but, thanks to Garcinia Vita UK phytoestrogens contained in Tofu, when it is used, Garcinia Vita UK level of lipoprotein fractions harmful to health is also reduced. So, Garcinia Vita UK blood vessels are cleansed of narrowing their lumen of cholesterol plaques. Tofu is a culinary dream, a chameleon product. It can be subjected to any type of heat treatment without loss of useful qualities. Due to its own neutral taste and Garcinia Vita UK ability to quickly saturate with Garcinia Vita UK aromas of other ingredients, it can be used to prepare absolutely any dishes. It is equally good in sweet desserts, vegetable or meat delicacies, hot and cold snacks.

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